Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Summer Recap
Wow, I just cannot believe how fast this summer went. It was so dang busy and just flew by. Ana was in three of the four sessions of swim lessons and loved it. She was by far one of the most advanced three year olds, she is not afraid of the water and loves it. She has had alot of help from her Auntie Mary and is awesome. She is also so dang tan that she makes the rest of look "glowing" white. She got to travel to Colorado and spend some time at the cabin and also got to go to Utah for a week. I left her with Lipe's sister for two nights and by the third day she talked to me on the phone and couldn't even talk she was sobbing so much for me to come and get her, I was in tears. She kept telling me how happy she was that she was back with me and one night when me and Lipe were driving with just her she said "mommy you make my heart feel good"....it was so stinkin cute, I just melted. She is an amazing little girl and brings so much happiness into our home.
Cooper was gone with his dad for most of the summer. He did make All Stars and got to play in three All Star games. The team did not do to well, but I think for the most part he had fun. I always miss him so much when he is gone. He got to go to Scout Camp and I think he had a really good time there. He is very interested in snakes and had expressed that he wanted to try eating one. Well his wish came true. While he was at Scout Camp a Rattle Snake wondered into their camp. Brother Ricks was there and killed it and skinned it and cooper got to cook it. He said that it was very good and that he would eat another one if the opportunity ever came. He turned 12 this summer and recently was ordained a Deacon and last weekend got to go to the Snowflake temple to do baptism's for the dead. Filipe and I were lucky enough to get to go with them and what an amazing thing it was for me to be there with him for his first experience in the temple. He is an amazing boy and I miss him so much when he is gone. He is definitely a pre teen and the whole time he was with me this summer he had MY phone and texting like crazy.
Kelly was gone most of the summer. He left at the end of May to go spend some time in Utah with my brother. While he was there he got to go to acting and drama camp. He loved it and did not want to come back. But he did just in time for Cheer Camp. He was not looking forward to it, but ended up having a really great time. He is so grown up and handsome and looks older than 14. He is busy already with cheer at school and once the games start next week, I will hardly see him. He also got to spend some time in Colorado and ended up getting to go to Vegas with Kevin and Tamie. He earned some money too this summer, Kevin hired him to do vending and Milk while they were on Vacation, and he did a great job.
Kyli was way busy this summer. She played on two softball teams for a while and did some traveling. She got to go on her annual California Trip with the girls basketball team and while there did Disneyland, and Sea World. She enjoyed that trip and got to spend some time with one of her best friends, Jen. Then four girls from the Basketball trip got on a plane and flew to Salt Lake for a week long softball tournament. They had some drama but the trip ended up being pretty good. Especially for Kyli, she played some awesome ball and I was so proud of her. While there, she turned 17. She played three games on her birthday and was amazing and she ended up taking one out of the park. She was a busy girl trying to play ball and work and had to end up having surgery at the end of the summer just to get some rest.
My summer went fast. I had surgery on my right hip on June 30 and got to stay with the kids the rest of the summer. That was truly a blessing. I enjoyed my Utah trip. Not only did I get to watch Ky play ball, but my best friend Mary and Robert went with us. So I got to spend some time with her showing her around and the best part was Temple Square. I also got to go through the Provo Temple with Chase when he got his endowments and also Lipe and I got to go through the Salt Lake Temple and do a live session. That was neat. I met Elder Page's mom and family and loved them. They ended up having us over for dinner and a small party for Ky's birthday. It was so fun. Chelsea's baby is so stinkin cute and it was good to see her. It was definitely a busy week but fun.
I am going to try and get some pics up soon. Took quite a few this summer.
Cooper was gone with his dad for most of the summer. He did make All Stars and got to play in three All Star games. The team did not do to well, but I think for the most part he had fun. I always miss him so much when he is gone. He got to go to Scout Camp and I think he had a really good time there. He is very interested in snakes and had expressed that he wanted to try eating one. Well his wish came true. While he was at Scout Camp a Rattle Snake wondered into their camp. Brother Ricks was there and killed it and skinned it and cooper got to cook it. He said that it was very good and that he would eat another one if the opportunity ever came. He turned 12 this summer and recently was ordained a Deacon and last weekend got to go to the Snowflake temple to do baptism's for the dead. Filipe and I were lucky enough to get to go with them and what an amazing thing it was for me to be there with him for his first experience in the temple. He is an amazing boy and I miss him so much when he is gone. He is definitely a pre teen and the whole time he was with me this summer he had MY phone and texting like crazy.
Kelly was gone most of the summer. He left at the end of May to go spend some time in Utah with my brother. While he was there he got to go to acting and drama camp. He loved it and did not want to come back. But he did just in time for Cheer Camp. He was not looking forward to it, but ended up having a really great time. He is so grown up and handsome and looks older than 14. He is busy already with cheer at school and once the games start next week, I will hardly see him. He also got to spend some time in Colorado and ended up getting to go to Vegas with Kevin and Tamie. He earned some money too this summer, Kevin hired him to do vending and Milk while they were on Vacation, and he did a great job.
Kyli was way busy this summer. She played on two softball teams for a while and did some traveling. She got to go on her annual California Trip with the girls basketball team and while there did Disneyland, and Sea World. She enjoyed that trip and got to spend some time with one of her best friends, Jen. Then four girls from the Basketball trip got on a plane and flew to Salt Lake for a week long softball tournament. They had some drama but the trip ended up being pretty good. Especially for Kyli, she played some awesome ball and I was so proud of her. While there, she turned 17. She played three games on her birthday and was amazing and she ended up taking one out of the park. She was a busy girl trying to play ball and work and had to end up having surgery at the end of the summer just to get some rest.
My summer went fast. I had surgery on my right hip on June 30 and got to stay with the kids the rest of the summer. That was truly a blessing. I enjoyed my Utah trip. Not only did I get to watch Ky play ball, but my best friend Mary and Robert went with us. So I got to spend some time with her showing her around and the best part was Temple Square. I also got to go through the Provo Temple with Chase when he got his endowments and also Lipe and I got to go through the Salt Lake Temple and do a live session. That was neat. I met Elder Page's mom and family and loved them. They ended up having us over for dinner and a small party for Ky's birthday. It was so fun. Chelsea's baby is so stinkin cute and it was good to see her. It was definitely a busy week but fun.
I am going to try and get some pics up soon. Took quite a few this summer.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Well here it is, another birthday for you know who....I don't know if I want to disclose how old I am today, but lets just say that I am pushing the big 40....Uggg I remember thinking how old that was and now here I am....but I guess it mostly sucks because up until Aug of last year, I didn't feel that old, but since getting hurt, I feel really old and run down now....
So its only 5 in the morning and already my birthday has started out great....Lipe is not accustomed to doing the whole gift and card thing, so he has struggled the last four years, in his culture they don't really exchange gifts and all the hoopla....so last night he tells me that he didn't get me anything for my birthday, and I was teasing him because our Anniversary was also this week and zero, nada, nothing....so I was teasing him that he was losing points.....so he ends up taking the kids to Wal Mart because Brayliana wanted to get me something for my birthday....well when I got into my car to come to work, there was a card in there for me, so that was awesome....then I walked into dispatch and there was a dozen roses sitting on the table here at work, and they were so beautiful....I pretty much knew they must be for me and then I checked the little card and that confirmed it....there are 11 red roses and 1 white rose with pink tips....it was sticking a little higher than the others...
So yeah later on he called me and I was teasing him telling him that I have a Secret Admirer, he asked me why and I told him that I had a dozen red roses sitting here at work, and he told me that they couldn't be from him....I asked him why and he told me that if he would have sent them there would be 11 red and 1 another color....I asked him what the symbolism was for that and he said that the one that is not red stands out and is unique, just like me......awwwwwww okay you can gag if you want, but I thought it was awesome.....so that's my birthday rolled in at midnight....I know the kids have some things planned and I am looking forward to that....I was trying to get it out of Ana last night, and she wanted so badly to tell me, but Kyli and Kelly were threatening her with her life if she told me and then they yelled at me to leave her alone and quit trying to get it out of her....
Well it looks as though the graduation night went well and there have been no major incidents here in dispatch....I am so looking forward to my trip to Utah tomorrow and possibly seeing another old friend, Kristen Kimberlin Christensen....I hope it all works out...
So its only 5 in the morning and already my birthday has started out great....Lipe is not accustomed to doing the whole gift and card thing, so he has struggled the last four years, in his culture they don't really exchange gifts and all the hoopla....so last night he tells me that he didn't get me anything for my birthday, and I was teasing him because our Anniversary was also this week and zero, nada, nothing....so I was teasing him that he was losing points.....so he ends up taking the kids to Wal Mart because Brayliana wanted to get me something for my birthday....well when I got into my car to come to work, there was a card in there for me, so that was awesome....then I walked into dispatch and there was a dozen roses sitting on the table here at work, and they were so beautiful....I pretty much knew they must be for me and then I checked the little card and that confirmed it....there are 11 red roses and 1 white rose with pink tips....it was sticking a little higher than the others...
So yeah later on he called me and I was teasing him telling him that I have a Secret Admirer, he asked me why and I told him that I had a dozen red roses sitting here at work, and he told me that they couldn't be from him....I asked him why and he told me that if he would have sent them there would be 11 red and 1 another color....I asked him what the symbolism was for that and he said that the one that is not red stands out and is unique, just like me......awwwwwww okay you can gag if you want, but I thought it was awesome.....so that's my birthday rolled in at midnight....I know the kids have some things planned and I am looking forward to that....I was trying to get it out of Ana last night, and she wanted so badly to tell me, but Kyli and Kelly were threatening her with her life if she told me and then they yelled at me to leave her alone and quit trying to get it out of her....
Well it looks as though the graduation night went well and there have been no major incidents here in dispatch....I am so looking forward to my trip to Utah tomorrow and possibly seeing another old friend, Kristen Kimberlin Christensen....I hope it all works out...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Is It Really Almost June?
Well it has been a few months since I have posted anything, and I have tons of stuff I want to get on here. But reality has set in this last week as school is winding down. On Saturday we went to two graduation parties in Jo City and it really hit me that this time next year, I will have a graduating Senior. Kyli Cheyenne, is going to start her Senior year in two months and wow I am a little emotional about that fact.
The Second and Third weekends of May were spent in the valley at the State Softball Tournament. Our girls made it to the State final game and needless to say although we did not win, what an accomplishment it was for them to get there. Winslow High School has not had a team in the state finals since my Junior Year when we took state and that was 21 years ago. I am proud of Ky and her team for making it that far and we have a bright future to look forward to next year as we have 8 of the 9 starters returning. These girls work hard and should be proud of themselves.
Kelly's last day in Junior High School was yesterday and I am so proud of him, he has struggled in Jr. High and those teenage years, but he is an amazing young man and I know that High School should be good for him. He tried our for cheer and made the J.V. team, and he is excited for that. He is going to Utah in three days for the whole month of June and is very excited about that. He will be taking some acting and dancing classes and just hanging out with his cousins.
Cooper is playing little league baseball right now and doing an amazing job for his team. His team is struggling as a whole, but they are a good little group of boys and his coaches are great. They are teaching the boys about sportsmanship and other life lessons and I think that is great. They are not about having to Win every game and they are very supportive of their team. Cooper is doing a great job at Catcher, Pitcher and first. He is an awesome ball player and I am so proud of him.
Ana is keeping us all busy with her drama and antics. She is three now and so stinkin cute. She is very dramatic and is three going on twenty three. She went to her first birthday party this week and had a fun time. She dressed in her princess outfit and went with a bunch of little princesses for their princess party. Happy Birthday Ava and thanks for the invite. She went to Phoenix with us and loves the ballgames, especially with her very best friend Brynlee. They have been the best of friends through the softball season and are going to miss each other now that the season is over. Ana is a great little swimmer and I anticipate that by the end of the summer she will be swimming. She absolutely loves it and is so comfortable in the water. I think that by the time she spends with me and Auntie Mary in the pool she will be a little fish by the end of the summer.
I have the most amazing and talented kids. They are all so well mannered, good students and I love spending all my time with them. My life would be so much better if I didn't have to work and could just spend each day with my kids and family. I love them so much and they are growing up too fast and a year from now I will lose my first one to graduation and our family is going to miss her, but I am excited for her and to see what is going to prosper for her in the future.
The Second and Third weekends of May were spent in the valley at the State Softball Tournament. Our girls made it to the State final game and needless to say although we did not win, what an accomplishment it was for them to get there. Winslow High School has not had a team in the state finals since my Junior Year when we took state and that was 21 years ago. I am proud of Ky and her team for making it that far and we have a bright future to look forward to next year as we have 8 of the 9 starters returning. These girls work hard and should be proud of themselves.
Kelly's last day in Junior High School was yesterday and I am so proud of him, he has struggled in Jr. High and those teenage years, but he is an amazing young man and I know that High School should be good for him. He tried our for cheer and made the J.V. team, and he is excited for that. He is going to Utah in three days for the whole month of June and is very excited about that. He will be taking some acting and dancing classes and just hanging out with his cousins.
Cooper is playing little league baseball right now and doing an amazing job for his team. His team is struggling as a whole, but they are a good little group of boys and his coaches are great. They are teaching the boys about sportsmanship and other life lessons and I think that is great. They are not about having to Win every game and they are very supportive of their team. Cooper is doing a great job at Catcher, Pitcher and first. He is an awesome ball player and I am so proud of him.
Ana is keeping us all busy with her drama and antics. She is three now and so stinkin cute. She is very dramatic and is three going on twenty three. She went to her first birthday party this week and had a fun time. She dressed in her princess outfit and went with a bunch of little princesses for their princess party. Happy Birthday Ava and thanks for the invite. She went to Phoenix with us and loves the ballgames, especially with her very best friend Brynlee. They have been the best of friends through the softball season and are going to miss each other now that the season is over. Ana is a great little swimmer and I anticipate that by the end of the summer she will be swimming. She absolutely loves it and is so comfortable in the water. I think that by the time she spends with me and Auntie Mary in the pool she will be a little fish by the end of the summer.
I have the most amazing and talented kids. They are all so well mannered, good students and I love spending all my time with them. My life would be so much better if I didn't have to work and could just spend each day with my kids and family. I love them so much and they are growing up too fast and a year from now I will lose my first one to graduation and our family is going to miss her, but I am excited for her and to see what is going to prosper for her in the future.
Four Years of Bilss <3
Wow what a great day May 26th was, it was mine and Lipe's fourth anniversary. I just have to say that I do not know what I did to deserve such an amazing man, but I truly have been blessed. Lipe is such an inspiration to me and knowing that he is my eternal companion just makes it that much sweeter. I am truly thankful to my heavenly father for blessing me with this wonderful man who is an amazing husband and father. He came to this small town not knowing much about anything here, he did not have a job and he followed his heart and the spirit, and I am so thankful that we both followed the promptings from our heavenly father and listened to the answers to our prayers. I prayed for many years for him and the same for him. It was so hard being a single mom and trying to raise three kids, trying to date and trying to find that one person that would not only love me but my children as well. There were many lonely nights and many many prayers, I did not want to be alone, but I also knew that the person I chose had to know that it was a package deal. I met alot of people but none of them felt right for me and my family.
In March of 2005 I received a message on my LDS Singles page from him, he was so sweet. He told me to give him a call. I believe this was on March 16th or 17th I cant remember the exact day. I did call him and immediately we hit it off. We began talking to each other for approximately three to four hours a couple of times a day. When your twelve hours apart, and "dating" over the phone, it is nice because you don't have to deal with all the physical aspects of a relationship, so it really gave us a chance to get to know each other. We were so comfortable talking to each other it was like we were long lost friends (ha which i truly believe we were..:) :)so approximately a week and half, yes that's what I just said, A WEEK AND A HALF, he told me that he loved me. I had some crazy emotions because I was like, you cant love me after a week and a half, you don't even know me (I didn't say that to him, that's just what I was thinking), but then I was like oh my gosh, I love him too. It just didn't seem right, you hear about these kinds of stories, but I was in it and it was CRAZY. He was so stinkin cute when he said it though, it was like a 13 year old kid saying it for the first time, basically we were talking at about two in the morning, my kids were all at their dads house, so I was home along, lying in Kyli's bed and we were talking normally and then as we were saying good-bye he said really fast and nervous " I love you" and then he hung the phone. So yeah I was pretty much lying there going "did he just tell me that he loved me?" and then part of me going "Naw, he just didn't say that" and it was back and forth and back and forth. I just needed to tell someone but there was no one to tell. How could he know that.
About a week later we were both having some very strong feelings for each other. At that time I was not endowed so I could not go to the temple, but he was. We made a deal that we would not speak, write or communicate with each other for three days and that we would take that three days and fast and pray and he would go to the temple, we would ask our heavenly father if this was the direction that we were both supposed to take. Oh man, did I miss talking to him. He had already become a huge part of my days, and I looked forward to talking to him (btw it was usually from midnight to around four or five in the morning after he got off from work, and then I had to be to work at 7:30) but it was totally worth it. I missed him, I prayed and I fasted and I knew then in my heart that we were supposed to be together. I was nervous and scared, and to tell my family "oh by the way, I met this guy on the internet two weeks ago, and we fell in love and were getting married", ha yeah how do you tell your family that and them not look at you like "girl you are desperate, and you need some counseling".
Well at the end of the three days, we both felt very strong about this. At that point we seriously began to talk marriage, and remember that we had not met yet, this was all based off talking, e-mails and pictures.
Around the second weekend of April I was working at the Winslow Invitational Track Meet and it was a beautiful and hot day. He called me and I was standing by the long jump pit when he officially asked me to marry him. I told him that I needed to meet him one time and I truly believed at that time, when I could look into his eyes, I would know and I could give him an answer. I wanted to jump for Joy and again I needed to "tell someone", so the first person in my sights was Janice Stewart who was scoring for the long jump, so yeah, Janice got to share my news with me and she was pretty much clueless, but she was very supportive.
On the morning of April 26th it was a Saturday and I was at a little league baseball game for Cooper. Lipe called me on the phone and basically he was hanging out with his Uncle David and that they were kinda bored and that his Aunt was in Tonga, so they were just cruising around. I asked him if I could talk to his Uncle. He gave me the phone and I basically told his Uncle that had asked me to marry him and that I truly felt in my heart that this was supposed to happen, but that I needed to at least meet him. I then asked his Uncle if he would drive him to Winslow that day so that we could meet. He told me that he would talk to Lipe about it and they would call me back. They called back a while later and told me that they would come to Arizona and that they would leave around four or five that afternoon. Oh my gosh, I was so excited, I was finally going to get to meet him. I went home and began to clean my house and that night went to a wedding reception for a friend. I did not sleep all night in anticipation for meeting him. He called me around four in the morning and advised me that they were in Page and they would be at my house in approximately three hours. It was Sunday morning and the boys were with their dad, but I had Kyli there with me.
When the vehicle pulled up in front of the house, my heart stopped. Remember I said that once I saw him and looked into his eyes that I would know. Well I was exactly right. When I opened the door his Uncle was standing in front of him, I hugged him and thanked him for bringing him to Arizona. Then his Uncle came into the house and Lipe and I stood there looking at each other. He was amazing, beautiful and those beautiful brown eyes of his just melted my heart. I could see his kindness, his spirit and I knew in my heart that he was going to be my husband. I could see this aura around him of a person with a strong love for the gospel and I knew that he was a man of god and I loved him. We spent twelve hours together that day. I did not want him to leave. He asked me again that day to marry him and I accepted his proposal. His Uncle who had once been a Bishop, counseled us and he was amazing. Both of these men had such a strong spirit and love for the gospel.
Needless to say that one month later, on May 25, 2005 Lipe came to Winslow with my brother and sister-in-law for Chelsea's graduation. We went to Holbrook that afternoon to get our marriage license and our first real meal together as a couple was at Romo's. I worked the graduation that night and the next day we were married in my moms back yard.
Two months later I found out I was pregnant. In December of that year I went through the Temple and then in March of 2007 we were sealed together for time and all eternity. Each day it seems as though our love for each other gets stronger and stronger. He is a father to all of our children and the kids accepted him right from the beginning.
I am truly blessed to have this amazing man in my life and thank my heavenly father for bringing us together and for giving us the gospel as a tool, and especially for the knowledge that no matter what, we will be together forever.
In March of 2005 I received a message on my LDS Singles page from him, he was so sweet. He told me to give him a call. I believe this was on March 16th or 17th I cant remember the exact day. I did call him and immediately we hit it off. We began talking to each other for approximately three to four hours a couple of times a day. When your twelve hours apart, and "dating" over the phone, it is nice because you don't have to deal with all the physical aspects of a relationship, so it really gave us a chance to get to know each other. We were so comfortable talking to each other it was like we were long lost friends (ha which i truly believe we were..:) :)so approximately a week and half, yes that's what I just said, A WEEK AND A HALF, he told me that he loved me. I had some crazy emotions because I was like, you cant love me after a week and a half, you don't even know me (I didn't say that to him, that's just what I was thinking), but then I was like oh my gosh, I love him too. It just didn't seem right, you hear about these kinds of stories, but I was in it and it was CRAZY. He was so stinkin cute when he said it though, it was like a 13 year old kid saying it for the first time, basically we were talking at about two in the morning, my kids were all at their dads house, so I was home along, lying in Kyli's bed and we were talking normally and then as we were saying good-bye he said really fast and nervous " I love you" and then he hung the phone. So yeah I was pretty much lying there going "did he just tell me that he loved me?" and then part of me going "Naw, he just didn't say that" and it was back and forth and back and forth. I just needed to tell someone but there was no one to tell. How could he know that.
About a week later we were both having some very strong feelings for each other. At that time I was not endowed so I could not go to the temple, but he was. We made a deal that we would not speak, write or communicate with each other for three days and that we would take that three days and fast and pray and he would go to the temple, we would ask our heavenly father if this was the direction that we were both supposed to take. Oh man, did I miss talking to him. He had already become a huge part of my days, and I looked forward to talking to him (btw it was usually from midnight to around four or five in the morning after he got off from work, and then I had to be to work at 7:30) but it was totally worth it. I missed him, I prayed and I fasted and I knew then in my heart that we were supposed to be together. I was nervous and scared, and to tell my family "oh by the way, I met this guy on the internet two weeks ago, and we fell in love and were getting married", ha yeah how do you tell your family that and them not look at you like "girl you are desperate, and you need some counseling".
Well at the end of the three days, we both felt very strong about this. At that point we seriously began to talk marriage, and remember that we had not met yet, this was all based off talking, e-mails and pictures.
Around the second weekend of April I was working at the Winslow Invitational Track Meet and it was a beautiful and hot day. He called me and I was standing by the long jump pit when he officially asked me to marry him. I told him that I needed to meet him one time and I truly believed at that time, when I could look into his eyes, I would know and I could give him an answer. I wanted to jump for Joy and again I needed to "tell someone", so the first person in my sights was Janice Stewart who was scoring for the long jump, so yeah, Janice got to share my news with me and she was pretty much clueless, but she was very supportive.
On the morning of April 26th it was a Saturday and I was at a little league baseball game for Cooper. Lipe called me on the phone and basically he was hanging out with his Uncle David and that they were kinda bored and that his Aunt was in Tonga, so they were just cruising around. I asked him if I could talk to his Uncle. He gave me the phone and I basically told his Uncle that had asked me to marry him and that I truly felt in my heart that this was supposed to happen, but that I needed to at least meet him. I then asked his Uncle if he would drive him to Winslow that day so that we could meet. He told me that he would talk to Lipe about it and they would call me back. They called back a while later and told me that they would come to Arizona and that they would leave around four or five that afternoon. Oh my gosh, I was so excited, I was finally going to get to meet him. I went home and began to clean my house and that night went to a wedding reception for a friend. I did not sleep all night in anticipation for meeting him. He called me around four in the morning and advised me that they were in Page and they would be at my house in approximately three hours. It was Sunday morning and the boys were with their dad, but I had Kyli there with me.
When the vehicle pulled up in front of the house, my heart stopped. Remember I said that once I saw him and looked into his eyes that I would know. Well I was exactly right. When I opened the door his Uncle was standing in front of him, I hugged him and thanked him for bringing him to Arizona. Then his Uncle came into the house and Lipe and I stood there looking at each other. He was amazing, beautiful and those beautiful brown eyes of his just melted my heart. I could see his kindness, his spirit and I knew in my heart that he was going to be my husband. I could see this aura around him of a person with a strong love for the gospel and I knew that he was a man of god and I loved him. We spent twelve hours together that day. I did not want him to leave. He asked me again that day to marry him and I accepted his proposal. His Uncle who had once been a Bishop, counseled us and he was amazing. Both of these men had such a strong spirit and love for the gospel.
Needless to say that one month later, on May 25, 2005 Lipe came to Winslow with my brother and sister-in-law for Chelsea's graduation. We went to Holbrook that afternoon to get our marriage license and our first real meal together as a couple was at Romo's. I worked the graduation that night and the next day we were married in my moms back yard.
Two months later I found out I was pregnant. In December of that year I went through the Temple and then in March of 2007 we were sealed together for time and all eternity. Each day it seems as though our love for each other gets stronger and stronger. He is a father to all of our children and the kids accepted him right from the beginning.
I am truly blessed to have this amazing man in my life and thank my heavenly father for bringing us together and for giving us the gospel as a tool, and especially for the knowledge that no matter what, we will be together forever.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Lipe and Kristi
Barbara Barrington Jones

Wow, the last two days have been incredible.....Last night Lipe and I got the opportunity to go to Holbrook and attend a fireside given by Barbara Barrington Jones....It was AMAZING.....Let me start off by saying that although I have never met her personally until last night that I feel like I know her a little bit....She and my oldest brother Mike are friends and I have heard so much about her and what an amazing woman that she is....Her fireside was amazing.....she had all the couples laughing, crying and enjoying ourselves so much....she is the cutest lady that has a very strong spirit and beautiful smile....today I got to go back for another presentation just for the women, it too was awesome.....we had two, two hour sessions and she was again funny, sweet, and just beautiful....She is doing another session tomorrow night for the youth and I am so excited for Kyli to see her....Last night Kevin, Tamie, Lipe and I met her and told her who we were, she was so excited to meet us....we told her that we had heard so much about her.....What an awesome day.....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sick.....:( :(
Last week Brayliana had a really high fever for two days.....On the second day we asked Jason to come over and help give her a blessing....It was late at night and Lipe and Jason gave her a blessing....she was so sweet, she just sat there and even folded her arms....she did not feel good at all....when I finally put her down that night she was restless for a while and then finally fell into a really deep sleep.....the next morning even though she still had a fever, she felt better.....she asked to go to her favorite place, McDonalds....when we told her that she couldn't go because she was sick she put us in our place by telling us that she was not sick cause heavenly father made her better.....it was so cute....so later on that day, we saw her giving her "Dora" doll a "blessing" complete with her hands on the dolls head....2 year olds, gotta love em.....:)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Victoria Brayliana
Here are some pictures of Brayliana, or otherwise known as Ana or Ray.....she is our little maricle and her daddy's pride and joy....Filipe waited a long time for her and is such a proud daddy....she brings so much light and sunshine into our home and her brothers and sister adore her....she gets into their stuff and drive them crazy, but none the less they love her to death....She is a beautiful girl with her daddys coloring and he loves it when people say that she looks "just like him"....she will be three next month and I just don't know where the time has gone....I love you my little princess Victoria Brayliana Tausinga
Cooper Taite
Cooper at his game and I just discovered his sister Kyli in the background keeping score
Cooper Attempting the Three point shot and makes it...Woo Hoo, go Cooper
Cooper and another boy fighting for a rebound
Cooper is playing basketball for the City of Winslow youth league....today he played against the Suns which is coached by Sharon Vasquez....we lost in the last few seconds 29-26....it was an awesome game....Sharon has three very tall kids on her team....Cooper is doing well and even made a three point shot....I enjoy watching him and he is getting so big and handsome....I am excited for him to begin to play sports in Jr. High and High School....
Monday, February 9, 2009
Snow in Az
Our family had a good day today.....after school and activities, we went to the High School for Kyli's parent teacher conferences...after hearing from her teachers that she has good grades, and what a "wonderful" student she is (who talks alot) we took advantage of the free food....my family loves the Hot Dogs that are served on this occassion....we came home and participated in Family Home Evening that Cooper was in charge of....he had brought a movie from his grandparents house that he wanted us to watch....we started off with a opening prayer and then Ana picked the song....so we sang "Popcorn".....then we watched a very good church movie called the Passage to Zarahemla....it was good....after the movie we concluded family home evening with "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" and a closing prayer by Lipe....it was a great night....little did we know that we were going to get some more family time.....Ana went to the back door and discovered that it was snowing and that it had snowed....she was so excited....it was about 9:40 and bedtime....needless to say from the pictures, we did not go to bed....instead we embraced the weather and went to the backyard to play....it was so bright outside with the streetlights and the full moon that we could see so good and the snow was falling hard....Cooper started off in his boxers, but soon put some warmer clothes on....Kyli was a little grumpy and did not want to play...she kept telling us that we were acting like we had never seen snow before....its just been a while and it was so beautiful....so we took some photos and promised Ana that she could play tomorrow as she was on the verge of a Tantrum when she had to come in.....It was a great night and the snow topped it off....I am truly blessed with the gospel in my life and my four awesome kids that I adore....I cannot imagine my life without them and they are Amazing....and I cannot forget my hubby and eternal companion....he truly is my soulmate and I am so thankful for him.....well it is quiet in the house now and all my children are safe and warm in their beds....it is time for me to get on my knees and thank my heavenly father for what he has given me....goodnight my friends and family and god bless....Love to you all.....Kristi
Snow in AZ
It really does snow in Arizona....
Saturday, February 7, 2009
LOVE does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction....
The Weekend....
Who doesn't love the weekend? Well normally I would have to work today, but since I am off on light duty, I have the weekends off....But that is coming to an end soon....:( :( I stayed up way too late last night working on this blog....so this morning I awoke to Brayliana shaking me trying to wake me up....The conversation went something like this....
Ana: Mom, mom, wake up
Me: nooooo, I don't want to get up yet
Ana: but mom, it's "Thirty" O'Clock, and its not dark anymore, its time to get up
Me: nooooo, I don't want to
Ana: BUT MOM, its thirty o'clock and I NEED some Oatmeal
Me: (I stretch but don't open my eyes, she continues to shake me, then I open my eyes and look at her)
Ana: YEAH, I am so happy, my mommy is awake.....
It was so sweet....this girl is somethin else....she is way to grown up for her age....:) :) Anyways, we are headed to Coopers game soon and hope that he plays good....Have a great day....
Ana: Mom, mom, wake up
Me: nooooo, I don't want to get up yet
Ana: but mom, it's "Thirty" O'Clock, and its not dark anymore, its time to get up
Me: nooooo, I don't want to
Ana: BUT MOM, its thirty o'clock and I NEED some Oatmeal
Me: (I stretch but don't open my eyes, she continues to shake me, then I open my eyes and look at her)
Ana: YEAH, I am so happy, my mommy is awake.....
It was so sweet....this girl is somethin else....she is way to grown up for her age....:) :) Anyways, we are headed to Coopers game soon and hope that he plays good....Have a great day....
One of my favorite quotes
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Tausinga Six....
Friday, February 6, 2009
Ramsey Family
This is my family....We took this picture right before Kirk left for his mission....we finally got everyone together....Pictured are my mom, Duke, Mike and his kids - Chelsea, Chase, Carli and Cade, Kevin and Tamie and their kids - Tessa, Kirk and Tamry, and Lipe and I and our kids - Kyli, Kelly, Cooper and Brayliana.....My family ROCKS....
My Polynesian Prince....:)
This was the day we were sealed for time and all eternity....my heart literally beats like this for him....He is truly amazing and not only my eternal companion, but my "bestest buddy" and best friend....I love you Lipe....
Victoria Brayliana
Wow, I am totally in awe that the first week of Feb has already come and gone....Tonight we went to Wal Mart and as we always have to do when we have Brayliana in tow, we had to go look at toys....That girl could spend hours in the toy isles and there have been days that she and I did just that....I just don't understand how she can want everything she sees, but then when she does get a new toy, it sits at home and she never even shows interest in it again....this week I made a "seek and find" bag at Enrichment....I can't wait until Sunday to take it to church and see if it will keep Ana busy....Thanks Teresa for the great idea....I had a great time and it was a great opportunity to take a friend.....I also got a chance to talk to Natalie and get to know her a little better....She is awesome....Welcome to Winslow Natalie....I am about to get this figured out....
Monday, January 12, 2009
So I am trying to learn about this whole blog thing...I have been on several peoples blogs to see how they have theirs set up and there are some really cool ones...I just don't know how to get a better background....the ones they let you choose from are Horrible....I need to talk to someone that has a blog....I am thinkin that I am going to hit Corey up cuz hers is fun and I have used it as a base....(thanks Corey).....so bear with me while I build this.....
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Words from Heaven
Today is hard, the last month has been hard You were the one I called when life was rough I am trying to hear your voice tell me "It...
Today is hard, the last month has been hard You were the one I called when life was rough I am trying to hear your voice tell me "It...
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