Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Weekend....

Who doesn't love the weekend? Well normally I would have to work today, but since I am off on light duty, I have the weekends off....But that is coming to an end soon....:( :( I stayed up way too late last night working on this this morning I awoke to Brayliana shaking me trying to wake me up....The conversation went something like this....

Ana: Mom, mom, wake up

Me: nooooo, I don't want to get up yet

Ana: but mom, it's "Thirty" O'Clock, and its not dark anymore, its time to get up

Me: nooooo, I don't want to

Ana: BUT MOM, its thirty o'clock and I NEED some Oatmeal

Me: (I stretch but don't open my eyes, she continues to shake me, then I open my eyes and look at her)

Ana: YEAH, I am so happy, my mommy is awake.....

It was so sweet....this girl is somethin else....she is way to grown up for her age....:) :) Anyways, we are headed to Coopers game soon and hope that he plays good....Have a great day....

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