Monday, July 22, 2013

Yarnell Hill

On the afternoon of June 30, 2013 a very tragic occurance happened in Arizona. There was a fire around Prescott and a group of 20 Hotshots responded to fight the fire. The fire was around an area called Yarnell Hill. That afternoon 19 of the men that were in the 20 man crew lost their lives when the wind shifted and the fire overtook the crew. It was such a sad day for Arizona and the following weeks were just as devistating to our state and the City of Prescott where the Granite Mountain Hotshot crew was based out of.
The men ranged in age from 21 to 43 and several of them were just starting their families and most of them were married. There was a large memorial service for them in Prescott and then 19 different funerals. I watched that memorial and my heart ached for each and every one of their families. I hope and pray that Heavenly Father will continue to wrap his arms around the survivors of each of these men and also the one survivor and help them get through these next few weeks and months as they all begin to heal.
Rest in Peace Brothers
<3 p="">


I saw this on Facebook and loved it. I just wanted to take a minute and share it on my wall because it is so very true. I am truly blessed with the four most amazing children and I cannot even imagine my life without any one of them. I love it how now that they are older they all get along so good and how they miss each other and comment on each others posts and post to each other how much they love and miss each other. I love how each one of them has their own special relationship with Ana and how much they have helped me with her and loved her. I am so blessed to have very smart, loving, hard working and talented children and I am so proud of each of their accomplishments that they make each and every day. I have truly been blessed with beautiful children and being a mother in Zion is the greatest blessing that I could have ever received and to top it all off I was blessed four times. I am so very thankful each and every day to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with the gift of motherhood and four amazing little souls that I was trusted with to bring up in this crazy world of ours. They have each been blessed with a strong foundation and slowly I am having to let them go off and figure it all out. But I will always be here to help pick up the pieces when things don't go right or they fall.
Kyli Cheyenne, Kelly Daniel, Cooper Taite and Victoria Brayliana, I hope and pray that you know that I would die for you and that you are all truly blessings from our Heavenly Father. I have a testimony that as long as we all live the way we were taught and continue to thank him each and every day for the many blessings that he has blessed us with that we will in fact be together as a family on the other side.
All my love. KT26
So this handsome guy here is our newest baby. He is known around the house as my "boyfriend". He is a very naughty boy who is young and rambunctious and I am so much in love with him that I cannot even describe it. We got him last October and he came into our lives and turned them upside down. He talks all the time, he talks back, he follows me around everywhere, he gets on the furniture, he gets in the beds, he runs full speed down the hallway and he does not listen any better than a two year old toddler, and I would not trade him for anything. He drives Lipe nuts, he chews on the sprinkler heads, he digs holes in the back yard, but yet when he looks at you like he is in the picture your heart just cant help but melt. His name is Blaze and he is a "ginger". He absolutely loves sweets, any kind of candy, marshmallows, graham crackers, starbursts, and whatever he can get his grubby little paws on. He loves attention and loves to go for walks, although he does not do too much walking, he goes full speed. He is absolutely gorgeous and I love him.
So this is my guy. Lipe loves him too but sometimes has to remind Blaze that he is the number one guy in my life and Blaze listens and then talks back. He does not agree, he tells lipe that he is my number one. Love them both but this guy has come in and captured my heart. <3 p="">

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


 I have been struggling at work having a bad attitude and just really not wanting to be here. I am so disappointed in this department that I work for and just the general lack of consistency and disrespect for officers. I am trying to keep a positive attitude and remember that it is the public that I am serving and not the department, but some days it is just way tough. I am trying to remind myself that each night I come into work that I need to remember and serve my fellow officers as well as the public but even with fellow officers it is hard. There is so much back stabbing and whining going on that I am having a hard time. I really hope and pray that the future holds something for me and my family and I pray that The Lord will take Filipe, Ana, Cooper and I to the place that not only will it benefit our family but the people of the community that our family can be of service to those people. Winslow is my home town and will always hold a special place in my heart, but the time has come for me and my family to move on.
So now we sit back and wait and have faith in The Lord that he will take us where he can use us to be his mouth and instrument.
Meanwhile this girl needs to work on her attitude and to remember that no matter how bad I think I have it, there is always someone worse off than me and the way to appreciate what I have is to serve others.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Crazy Girl...

 So on the morning of July 6, 2013 Ana had a swim meet in St. John's Arizona. St. John's pool has a high board and also a low board. Last year when Ana was in swim team she was able to do a flip off the boards at Holbrook and St. John's. This year she begged me to do a flip off the High Board in St. John's. I initially told her NO but then someone else did one and she begged and begged. I really wasn't sure if she would do it once she got up there but sure enough she did. Tamry took the shot of her flipping off the high board and I was able to capture it on video so her dad could see. She then did an awesome flip off the low board and I was able to capture her upside down. This little girl is so athletic and she is just amazing. She just had her swim team finals this past Saturday and came home with two fourth place ribbons, a third place medal and two second place medals. I am so completely proud of her and the little athlete that she is becoming. I enjoy spending time with her everyday and could literally just hang out with her all day she is that much fun.


So I found this and thought that it was an awesome saying. Sometimes I have trouble trusting and having faith that things are happening when they are supposed to and not when I think that they should. Right now there could be some change ahead for our little family. It is going to be exciting to see what The Lord has in store for the Tausinga's.
So many things have happened since I last posted but the highlights are that Kelly graduated and passed his state boards for Cosmotology and that he is moving to Flagstaff. Also this week Cooper Taite turned 16 and officially has his license. Kyli was able to come down for a few weeks this summer and we enjoyed her stay. Life is good for our family and we just keep chipping away day by day.

  I had the coolest experience yesterday on the plane from Destin FL. to Charlotte NC. When I traveled to FL, no one spoke to me on either f...