So around here the Native's call their oldest boy "bigson", well my "littleson", Cooper just turned into a teenager. Wow how that could have happened. I have been posting today about time and how fast the time has gone and yes this another one of those things that I am so amazed at. How could have that sweet little boy that loved the "Iron Giant" and playing in the dirt and mud have grown up so fast that he is entering the eighth grade and just turned the official teenage age of 13 years. Cooper is an amazing young man (do you see a theme here with my amazing children) and he just returned a few weeks ago from Scout Camp where he had an amazing time. He was interviewed this week to advance from Life Scout, he will now be able to begin working on his Eagle Project and will be an Eagle before his 14th birthday. He played baseball this year and was so fun to watch. He is very talented and can do everything out on the field from catching, pitching, first, short to outfield. He had a fun coach, their team struggled, but he was such a leader and stepped up when he was needed to play anywhere. I still have to give him up to his father every now and then and I miss him so much when he leaves, but it is always good to have him home where he belongs. T I am so proud of you too and am loving this amazing young man that you are growing into. You are very talented and have so much going for you. Thank you for being such a great example to the boys that you are in scouts with and your family, (just quit picking on your little sister...lol)
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