Mosiah 2:17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
So one of my favorite church hymns is Have I Done Any Good. This song asks the question "have I done any good in the world today, have I helped anyone in need?"
This morning I had a talk with a good friend about service and how service is lacking in this world today. Our world is so caught up on peoples attitudes of what I can I do for "me", instead of what can I do for "others". I think the valued of service and charity are being buried and that people just don't serve like they should and like they used to.
So I started questioning my service and honestly I don't feel as though I have done a good job of it lately, In a sense I do because of my job, and I really am trying to do a good job there and take each call and make it personal and try to serve the person that has requested my assistance. I feel as though I am doing well in that area, but the area of serving when I am not working is lacking. I know I am a good person and will do things for people when asked, but how often do I self initiate service? Well I cant say exactly, but I can say, not enough.
So today I am setting a goal that every day this week I am going to do something for someone else, not just my family, but others that need my service. I am going to pray each morning for heavenly father to bless me with the opportunity to serve, and I am going to listen to that still small voice inside of me and act upon my prompting and do those things which I am prompted to do. I will write again in one week and report on how my week has gone. I am also going to challenge my kids and husband to do the same thing, and hopefully with all of us serving, we can take a step back and see the blessings that we have been blessed with.
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