Me and my handsome boys, Kelly and Cooper Taite |
Beautiful Girls, Kyli and Ana Ray |
Well this is the view in my living room on December 25, 2014. I can say that I feel truly blessed this Christmas. It has been a very trying year for me and although I have been blessed beyond belief, I have struggled this year.
Sometimes you have to be completely broken down and shaken up so that you can be put back together again. The idea behind that is that you come back stronger. Mentally, Physically and Spiritually my world came crashing down earlier this year. Challenges that I thought were life ending, were actually Life Changing. It has taken me several months to make some adjustments and recognize that my trials and challenges were put into place for a reason, but it has definitely caused me to dig deep down and recognize all that has been given to me.
I was so thankful that I had all of my children gathered around this little Charlie Brown Tree in my new home to celebrate this special day that we have been blessed with. This special day to recognize the birth of our Savior and Redeemer who died on that cross for us.
So as I reflect on the memories that were made the last few days, I look to my Heavenly Father and thank him for on of the greatest blessings he bestowed upon me and that is the gift of motherhood. Kyli, Kelly, Cooper and Ana, I am proud and humbled that you chose me. <3 font="">3>
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